Textbroker.com is a website for freelance writers who can write on a variety of given topics and earn money. Sign up for the Textbroker.com account. Accept their terms and conditions and wait for their confirmation email.
You will be asked to submit a sample of 120 words on any given assignment and once it is accepted, your account will be activated.
Go to the 'assignment' section, select an assignment to write and you have to submit it within the given time and instructions. Once your balance exceeds $10, you may request your payment. Textbroker pays you monthly by Paypal on the 10th of each month. You need to notify the Textbroker team by 5th or else it will be carried over to the next month.
Though Textbroker is not a high-paying opportunity,but is a good learning experience for new freelance writers and an honest way to make money. If you miss out something in the article, they give you the chance to revise again within 24 hours. If you fail to to do, it will be open to other writers again.

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Earn Money Writing for Textbroker.com
Posted by bali at 7:35 AM 2 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Money Through Revenue Sharing Sites
There are many sites that work out on revenue sharing models. Though all work differently. Revenue sharing allows a writer to post articles, blogs and other works on a particular site. Then on the basis of how many views, sales or ad clicks you get, you will receive a portion of the profits. The most exciting part of it is the continued earnings.
Here are some revenue sharing sites:
Revenue Sharing For Bloggers -
Blogger Party
Revenue sharing for writers and content producers -
Share Your Expertise and
Articles Revenue
The best way is to pick one or two site and focus on it for sometime. Once you become consistent with submitting one or two pieces a day, promote your work and participate in the site often. That way, you can maximize your revenue.
Posted by bali at 8:07 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Make money as a clickbank affiliate
Many people often get disheartened with Clickbank affiliate program initially. You can try few simple steps to make your luck work with Clickbank. Open your account with Click bank. Now go to the their market place and search for some products that you would like to promote. It may be helpful if you promote a product in a niche, hobby or interest that you have. Try to get a clear picture if the product has a powerful sales letter or not and whether what they are selling is of interest to the audience that you target. If you are happy with the affiliate commission that it offers, you need some methods to promote your product.
If this is your first time and you don't have experience with "Pay Per Click Marketing" then you should follow some of these steps to get free traffic until you make your first sale and have some money to invest.
For free traffic -
1) Articles & reviews - Write and submit reviews and articles of your product that you are promoting. Don't rush these articles. Write valuable and unique content to the reader and don't use an automated program to generate the articles for you, this will very quickly see you banned from all the human edited articles sites.
2) Youtube - Youtube is a new and valuable for traffic.
3) Facebook and Myspace - Both these sites have a lot of members in it. Register yourself with one of these social networking sites and tell your friends about the offer.
4)Forum Marketing - The best method is to go onto the forum and have your link included in your signature, but look for posts where people are asking questions and see what ones you may be able to help with, this way you will be much more respected by the moderators and the forum members if you are providing useful content to the forum and helping other members and they will be more likely to have a look at your site from the links based in your signature.
Posted by bali at 6:11 AM 2 comments
earn money online, work, home, jobs Affiliate Marketing
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
How to become a Mystery Shopper
There is a new profession that is a real fun. If you like shopping and having fun, this is the right job for you, the mystery shopping. A mystery shopper, also called secret shopper or shopper, pretends to be an actual or potential customer of a business. Depending on the research assignment, you will be asked to act like a real customer of the business - test drive a car, stay in a hotel, open a bank account, eat in a restaurant or even apply for apartment rental. If you have extra time on your hands and love to shop, mystery shopping is for you. Sites like National Shopping Service, Amusement Advantage , Bare Associates and secretshopper give you great opportunites to work as a mystery shopper.
Posted by bali at 10:57 AM 1 comments